söndag 26 juni 2011

Those little frogs

As we didn't stay to watch people jump around like frogs on Friday I searched youtube for a video and found this. This is an attempt to break the world record for most people doing this song and dance. 2000 people around the pole jumping and wiggling their hands as ears and tails is really quite hilarious.. And weirdly enough it makes me proud to be Swedish :D

Hope you emjoy it :)

lördag 25 juni 2011

Sad excuse for midsummer celebration

So as in most Swedish towns there are proper celebrations of midsummer arranged. Usually with some local high flyer holding a speech that nobody listens to followed by finishing the maypole and getting it upright and sort of straight. Kind of the same problem that most of us have with our christmas trees, they always lean a bit don't they?

When the pole is in place the folk band and its dancers (average age 75) take over for a bit of a show and then the family dancing starts. That mean parents with kids age 1-5 jump around like frogs "with no ears or tails" (that's how the song goes) or dance around to childrens type summer songs. It kind of has to be seen to be appreciated. My sons have never danced around a maypole and for that I was quite grateful, I never saw the fun in it as a kid either..

When dancing has finished it's time to eat. People do that at home or at parties they have arranged. This is an outdoors kind of day but Mother Nature is usually a bit cranky so there is always a plan B. That involves moving the party indoors very fast.

On every decent midsummer table there should be new potatoes, herring, sour cream and chives. That is basic requirement. Salmon, meatballs, quiche, potatoe salad or types of bbq-food is also common. The drink is a vodka-type, drunk as shots. And for dessert strawberry cake with lots of whipped cream..

This year the arranged celebration was a huge disappointment, mainly because I wanted to take pictures to show you. My camera also decided that the batteries I had put in it was not good enough and kept turning of so these pictures are more of a I-snap-as-fast-as-I-can-and-wish-for-the-best kind of pictures..

The pole, and not a single flower on it!! There should be plenty to make it really nice and colourful..

Folk dancers in traditional outfits. Every region in Sweden has it's own outfit, sadly enough I'm to ignorant to know which one belong to my region. As a kid I knew most of the folk dances, my grandparents danced with me in their kitchen.

One of two kinds of salmon on my table..

Potatoe salad, I like the ones that are not so gooey with mayo and stuff

Chopped herring and boiled potatoes rolled with creme fraiche in a tortilla kind of bread. My kids love this!!

My plate, ham four types of fish, potatoes, sour cream and chives. Will be enjoying left overs for a few days

torsdag 9 juni 2011

Soon it will be raining

Why?, you might ask, well tomorrow most kids in Sweden start their summer holiday from school. And that tend to bring out the rainclouds. Mine finished today and now we have ten weeks of sun, laziness, sibling fights, temper tantrums, ice cream, bbq's, and so on.
I will be parted from them for 3½ weeks when they visit their dad and his side of the family. And the things that don't kill you will make you stronger (or so the saying goes) so I imagine that we will be super heroes by mid August..

lördag 4 juni 2011

Identified non-flying object

Went to the supermarket today and bought a small barberque for the summer. And in saying small then I really mean small. But it works for us, we're only three and it can be stored out of the way on our balcony when not in use. It's perfect.
And it looks like a space ship, not that I've ever seen one, but who cares about details..

Cute or what?

Had a test run today and realised that I'm very far of being dubbed bbq-queen but as practice makes perfect we'll have another go tomorrow ;)

fredag 3 juni 2011


Today has been a really hot summers day here in Sweden. Clear blue sky and no cooling breeze whatsoever. Lovely is the word. :)
It's getting cloudy..

Me and the boys went to the garden centre down the road and now our balony is nice and colourful with some gorgeous plants. Zen for a worn out soul, which is exactly what I need right now.

Charlie's choice

Marcus choice

Summer must have ;)

Sad excuse for a herb garden


  I have also started work on some bird inchies for a swap that's coming up, and an ATC for a group WTA winner. To be honest I drew them last night when insomnia visited me but the colouring I did today. On my balcony surronded by flowers :) Heaven.

 The boys have just gone to watch a football game, as in soccer, so I have an hour or so to myself. The pitch is just outside our house, some trees in the way so I can't see the game but I can hear it.
Football game going on behind here

All in all a very nice day

onsdag 1 juni 2011

Day 3

One day late but I do plan to make another post after Greys anatomys season finale.
Yesterday the eldest of my 2 brilliant sons had a grading ceremony at his karate club. He is now a 9 mon.
And his mother is very proud :)

Silly as always..