måndag 6 december 2010

Just around the corner

And with being super busy at uni I've decided to bring out the christmas stuff a little at the time, here's a little sneak peek..

Boys bedroom window

My bedroom window

I love these angels

With my velvet heart lampshade that I've had since I was 14 back in the 80's. Gives a warm red glow.

Kitchen window

Also kitchen window, my youngest brother made these when he was about 6 or 7 years old.

reminds me of my youngest son.. :D

Kitchen window

Smowmen made by my eldest when he was 8 I think..

Beaded santas, recieved in a christmas swap last year

Santas house, still waiting for snow..

Helpers finishing of christmas presents

Santa chilling by the fire

Star in my livingroom window, that room has yet to be santa-fied

That's it for now :)

tisdag 16 november 2010

Cold and dark season

And I kind of like it. Actually, I love it :)

A cup of chocolate flavoured coffee, filled to the brim

A heart thats to be filled with sweeties and yummie things

Black tea with christmas flavour and a nice spotted tin

Add some candles, a cosy blanket and something nice on the telly and life's well fine and dandy

måndag 1 november 2010

Like mother like son

I am a huge fan of Eddie Izzard, that man always make me laugh. Best depression remedy ever *s*

Now my oldest son has discovered him aswell, lego-style. This is his favourite and he knows it, using the voices and all :) he does actually go "beep" instead of swearing which is good..

fredag 29 oktober 2010

Still around

University has taken a lot of time lately, two exams coming up and then start of two new courses. I do like the fast pace I must admit.
So just a quickie post while I sit with my cup of chai tea having a morning break in studies. And of course sitting infront of the computer in my very own home allows me a more casual look..

 Lovely and warm :)

måndag 18 oktober 2010

I heart your blog - Angelbaby2

The last blog to make a post about is Adventures with the Nowling family .
A family blog, and they do seem like a nice and fun family.
Pictures of days out and stories from everyday life.
Sending a thought to one of the girls who has a broken arm, I hope it heals well and that she won't be in too much discomfort.

I heart your blog

I signed up for a blog swap on Swap-bot and was supposed to skip over to 7 blogs, take their blog button and feature in posts on my blog. 6 out of the 7 are done, #7 did not have a working clickable link on her profile.

 This was a great swap and so much harder to actually flake on then the ones that you claim to be a follower even though you really can't be bothered. I must confess that I do follow for a while but if the blog don't hold my interest I just quit following.

 Thanks to Jex for the brilliant idea, good to have a few more blogs to read now when it's cold and dark outside ;)

I heart your blog - Rock 'n Roll stops the traffic

Skipping over to Italy and a blogger named Lima now.

Her button doesn't work so I had to remove it, here´s a link to her blog.

Her blog is about crafts, baking and shopping and she takes photos of the things she writes about. I like that because I almost always forget to do that.

 Thoose italian meringue-type biscuits look well yummy

I heart your blog - Riechanster

Turning to Belgium now for the blog Riechanster, I have to ask what that means. All the blogs in this swap are by crafty women, at least them that I was paired up with, and this is no exception. Photos, cooking, shopping.. well basically real life the way I know it :D


I'm waiting for the promised post on easy japanese cooking :)

I heart your blog - butt naked woman

I tell you what, there's a lot of naked blogs out there but if you googled your way here in hope for some nudity then you will be dissappointed :D

Next up in the fab I heart your blog swap is Butt naked woman's little room of crafty wonders.

And there are some seriously cute little things on there.


 Go have a look :)

I heart your blog - betterthannaked

Next blog I visited for the I herat your blog swap was a scrummy vintage place called betterthannaked. And I could not agree more, vintage is better than naked. Vintage is better than a lot of things actually :) Nice pictures, features and flashbacks to when we (or at least I) was young with a big perm and even bigger sweatshirts. Thoose were the days..


Go check it out for yourselves, you'll be glad you did :)

söndag 17 oktober 2010

I heart you blog - Brooklynne

#2 out of 7 in the swap-bot swap features Brooklynne with the blog 

(hope there is a button there now)

An inspiring blog :) I like it a lot and I'm glad to follow her.

I heart your blog - estrones

I signed up for a swap om Swap-bot called I heart your blog, there´s suppose to be an actual heart there but blogger won't let me.
First stop is estrones blog a lady in Wales who has just joined the WI. I couldn't find a button on her side so will just leave that for now.

During my years in England WI always stood for blue-haired ladies making chutneys, jam and were fiercly competitive in pie baking contests at lokal markets :) Can't wait to hear estrones drama unfold, she's a good writer so I don't think I will be disappointed ;)

Nice and easy going blog.

fredag 15 oktober 2010

Well, I can't knit to save my life

That's why I entered this giveaway, look at that price! I just fell in love and up here in cold old Sweden that is exactly what I need :)

She has got a brilliant site with loads of goodies and inspiration :)

Some swaps

That I actually remembered to get the camera out for..

P is for Poirot, in the series of alphabet ATCs

  Skinnys being made, the daisy is being shown in a post further down, did it for the "Butterfly skinny" swap. The thistle was made for a "Letter T skinny" swap.

This is an ATC i made at the same time, this went to Portland where there was a big ATC-event in August. I sent 5 ATCs and this one went as a "hostess card". Features one of my favourite flowers the Linnaea borealis (latin name)

 "J is for Johnny Depp" in another alphabet swap and as my swap partner who received it said "J should always be for Johhny Depp". I couln't agree more ;)

 These two went to separate homes in one of the senders choice swaps in an ATC group. I really like playing around with water colour pencils

 "U is for umbrella" sent in the "U skinny" swap

 "A is for Art Deco", sent in an alphabet ATC swap. My youngest son calls it volley ball flowers ;)

 "V is for vampire" featuring our own Alexander Skarsgård who's a blood sucker in True Blood. for a "V skinny" swap

Better do some blogging..

With university and my two lovely boys taking up a lot of my time blogging has been put on hold. As has reading books just for fun, crocheting the wrist warmers I am in need of and generally just socialising with friends.
But as they say "that's life Jim, but not as we know it.."

måndag 30 augusti 2010

my box full of memories

Both my maternal grandparents passed away when I was a teenager way too long ago. Apart from fond memories I have a treasure chest as a reminder, not only of them (my grandmother at least) but also of who I was when I was a child and teenager. I take it out sometimes, open it up and well, enjoy what's in it.

Yesterday I had it out..

Not the most beautiful of chests..

Peek inside..

Like an Aladdins cave of memories and custom jewelry

Pearls that need re-threading

Brooches, some wearable some just to look at

Cufflinks, that I used as a teen and clip on earrings

Rings more suited for kiddies fingers, long time since I wore them

Earrings from the 80's. I bought the big chunky "golden" one after watching "Desperatly Seeking Susan" at the cinema mid-eighties. Felt a lot like Madonna ;)

Old bracelets that remind me of how we use to make phone calls..

And in a small tattered box, odd and favourite earrings from my childhood

When I'm done I gently put everything back in the box and stowe it away in the back of my wardrobe. Til next time :)

lördag 28 augusti 2010

Owl 'ave you been?

Long time no see, but now this horrible summer is over, fall is here and I can breathe easy again. (The summer's only been horrible due to some private pains and sorrows)

Made ATC's and a skinny with owls, loved it. I do think the owl with the sunglasses has got quite a John Lennon-esque feel to it ;)

The pink owl still lives with me but the other two have flow the nest to some good and loving homes :)

fredag 18 juni 2010

Been a little bit creative

As I have at least 10 weeks off before uni starts I signed up for some swaps on swap bot. ATC's and Skinnys, that's my drug ;)

Have done quite a few but will only show the ones that I've sent.

For Black, Gray and White Skinny swap, this one went to Alphenstamp :)

 This is a re-send for the Butterfly Skinny swap. To
 the UK.

Show the rest when they have gone to their partners, feels good to create again, been through a dry spell for a while ;)

måndag 7 juni 2010

Back at last

House move done, still got a few too many boxes around for my liking but there's only so many hours in a day so they will have to stick around until I have the time to sort them.

Had a absolutely fab week at school last week. Crafting all week. Me like! :)

One of the artstudios where we had a couple of hours to play on Monday..

Some of the art we created, mine is the naked tree.

We played around with beads and stuff on Tuesday and Thursday to create our own piecs of jewellery.

Clay, we did our pieces in the beginning of May, and on a warm and sunny Wednesday we went to a truly beautiful spot near a small lake to burn the things raku style.
A hot metal barrow with a gas-burner. (Gas not petroleum)

After being burned it was put into a metal basin and we chucked saw dust all over it. Hot as you can see.

Hot and smoky. Things coming out of the sawdust to cool off.

Hot and sooty, when cooled we gave them a wash to bring out the colours.

Turned out something like this..

In between burning and cooling  we found the perfect place to sit and wait. Water was cold if anyone wonders :)

Our beadwork and our clay stuff displayed for all to see.

A fab week :)